How to Walk in 5 Inch Heels Without Platform


Walking with heels is not a easy thing to do and learn, once you walked a while on high heels you get used to it. When talking about 5 inch heels we’re making it a bit more difficult.  Here are some tips to confidently walk in 5 inch heels without platform.

  1. Take it easy, walk confidant with no haste or rush. This has a number of good benefits. Walking is a good exercise and especially when walking on heels should be preformed in a (first) slow and controlled way with a good posture.
  2. Taking smaller steps will help you keep control of your walk and prevents mistakes
  3. Keep your posture, stay focused on your posture. The legs are one of the first places you will notice a loose posture. If you’re wearing 5 inch heels, you must be walking with elegance.
  4. Practice as much as you can. Make sure you have good fitted heels and wear them as much as you can while keeping your posture. Just imagine every scenario you want and practice everywhere you want, indoor or outside if you prefer.
  5. Again, relax… No one is going to rush a woman on 5 inch heels. If you learn to be confidant and you walk with a good posture, as well as your legs and head. You will be superwoman on 5 inch heels.